
Monday, February 22, 2021

My new kitten

My new kitten has no name. He is 8 weeks old. When he is tired he loves having cuddles. He is grey and white. He loves playing with his toy which is a stick with a star at the end. He likes climbing. He snuggles with his toy monkey which is like 5x him. He is very good because he pees and poos in his litter box. He has met my puppy Mika and Mika was bouncing around him. And hit him in the head and then he hissed and hit her. He likes going under couches. He is scared of dogs. But he had a dog at the place that he was with his mum. He has blue eyes.


Children's University Haiku

 Children's University Haiku

Pretty hibiscus
Crinkly orange-red flowers
Growing really tall

Children's University -Bubble Catching Experiment

 Children's University -Bubble Catching Experiment

I did a bubble catching experiment.

The hypothesis was you can catch a bubble if you have soapy hands.

First I tried catching a bubble without soapy hands and the bubbles popped on my hand.

Then I tried with soapy hands and I caught loads of bubbles. You can catch bubbles with soapy hands but you can't without soapy hands. The more bubbles you get, the bigger the first bubble gets that was on your hand. Another bubble blends in with it.

I also learnt don't put bubble mixture in your eyes! Cos my older brother did!

I put a comment on the website and I got a reply

Children's university rainbow experiment

 Children's university rainbow experiment


{This is what I did}. 

                               I did the zig-zag one on a paper towel with lots of colours.                                                                          The colours went off the paper towel and into the water.                                                                                                            The zig-zag disappeared.                                                                                                                      The colours traveled up the piece of paper towel.                

I tried this with a normal piece of paper but it didn't work because it didn't absorb the colours and the water.


I left a comment on the website and I got a reply:

Monday, February 15, 2021


Today we did some math, it was Teri had 25 she gets 22 more how many lollies does she have now?

I put 47 and I figured it out by splitting it in half so like 5+2=7 then I put 20+20=40 then I put 40 and 7 together and it made 47